Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Greenpeace Poster by Beau Eaton

Designed by Beau Eaton this stunning poster was only produced in a run of 10.

In his words: "In the spring of 2010, Greenpeace had an open call to the public to redesign BP's logo after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Initially, I began working on concepts for the logo, but after some exploration, I came up with a concept that involved looking at the disaster from the animals' perspective. The new direction was to create a series of posters with the concept that would show the different type of animals effected by this disaster, covered in oil, with the headline "I want my life back."

Less than a month before, the CEO of BP said "I would like my life back," however when the media got ahold of it the quote turned into "I want my life back."

The posters were printed on a black and white Oce printer at 35 in × 35 in and then Hershey's Chocolate Syrup was applied to them to mimic the oil. I learned that Hershey's Syrup is a very interesting substance that is a lot like oil. They both have a very strong smell to them when you get close to large amounts of them and they both are extremely messy. I expected the Hershey's Syrup to dry, but even after three days it was covered in a bunch of ants and bugs that were on a sugar rush, but the syrup still had not dried.

This poster in particular was shortlisted in the Best Wildlife category for the Greenpeace competition, however it was not the winning selection."

Many thanks to FPO for featuring this fantastic poster.

Visit FPO

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